Homepage for student laptops at my high schoolVisit site

A startup page for a portion of my high school's student laptops.

Link not-ongoing Timeframe: 2019 Team: myself


  • Initiated the idea of creating an inspirational startup page (webpage) for high school student laptop startup screens
    • Coded this webpage for every high school student laptop in my class
  • Maintained the website by adding features such as teacher search and school event updates

Problem and solution

There was no student laptop startup page, and the school leadership wanted one. So, I used basic web programming to design the following website, which incorporates features that were most desired by students. Currently the website is deployed on ~25% of the student laptops at the school.



In addition to the buttons and links visible in the above screenshot, students can search through the school’s directory of teachers. The data is periodically mined from the school website via. a NodeJS script.


  • The visual design was interesting and required some work with CSS to get the appearance working.