Hi, I'm Jeffrey!

Suhao Jeffrey Huang's profile picture

I am a sophomore CS major at Cornell University interested in entrepreneurship and in full-stack (frontend and backend) software engineering. I’m fascinated by the inner workings of computers, and I love creating applications with social impact. I am experienced in software engineering and collaborating in teams. I am currently leading mobile app development for CityStep, a dance education nonprofit. I’ve pitched business ideas in the LaunchX entrepreneurship program, developed software that administers over 150 students in a peer-to-peer tutoring program, and won a regional mobile app development contest. I strive to grow in my technical and soft skills, and I love applying my coding skills to interesting real-world problems.

I grew up in Niskayuna, New York and attended Niskayuna High School.

Contact: GitHub link, LinkedIn link, personal email sjhuang26 at gmail dot com, college email sjh292 at cornell dot edu

Qualification Summary

  • Algorithms and competitive programming experience
  • Communication skills
    • Collaborated with high school officials to integrate ARC administrative processes into a computerized interface, addressing problems throughout the design and implementation process
    • Led development of app for non-profit organization
    • Designed software for town administration and revised app based on feedback
  • Software engineering skills
    • Began programming in third grade
    • Worked within a variety of programming languages
    • Backend: proficient: MongoDB, Firebase, PHP, Python, Hugo; basic: Java, C, Scala, Django, Rust, Ruby
    • Frontend: proficient: React Native, React, Dart, Flutter, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Svelte; basic: NodeJS, Angular
    • Developer Tools: Git, GitHub/GitLab, Bash, VS Code, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Emacs, Vim, Linux
    • Data Analysis Tools: SQL


Application for the ARC (Academic Resource Center)

Worked with school officials to double administrative efficiency by designing software to streamline tutoring scheduling/attendance for 150+ students

Easy HTML Editor

An interactive HTML tutorial that helps you be more creative through a library of sample code fragments and autogenerated line-by-line code explanations.


Work with Correlation One (contractor)

Wrote CS questionnaires. Invented research-based test writing methodology with features not found in leading commercial products such as Triplebyte

Business Experience


a business summer camp -- launched a startup with 3 team members by brainstorming ideas, seeking academic/industry leader input, etc.

Coding Experiences and Major Projects

Application for the ARC (Academic Resource Center)

Worked with school officials to double administrative efficiency by designing software to streamline tutoring scheduling/attendance for 150+ students

CityStep Internship

An app facilitating curriculum planning and idea sharing among ~100 college student volunteers teaching dance to children.

Easy HTML Editor

An interactive HTML tutorial that helps you be more creative through a library of sample code fragments and autogenerated line-by-line code explanations.

Homepage for student laptops at my high school

A startup page for a portion of my high school's student laptops.

Lead Software Developer for a Non-profit Startup, MealMatch

Developed mobile app for matching restaurant meal donations with people in need in local communities.

Participated in Rensselaer Center for Open Source (RCOS)

Led programming tutorial project, designing novel features through in-depth research. Helped redesign a website used by hundreds of RPI students

Town Billing App Internship

Wrote a billing app for town residents' security alarms as an internship project.


Partial contributions to the official RPI course-scheduling tool (local university)

Other Coding Experience


A room-booking tool (that didn't get very far)


Automatic "template code" generation that allows users to quickly skeleton out the basic code structure of data-manipulation ("CRUD") apps

Math Trainer

browse math problems, loaded from the Art of Problem Solving wiki

Petitions (RPI university)

a redesign of RPI university's student-petition website

Regional Coding and Algorithm Competitions: RPI & Siena

RPI: 8th of 30 as only high school student, highlighted in the event sponsor’s blog and hired as a result; Siena: 2nd (of 30 teams) two years in a row

Robotics Club

Wrote autonomous control features for robot-building contests, taught two team members Java from the ground up using my own curriculum design